Great to have you here with us!
In this area of the website we provide information on the application procedure, the courses and school placements, accomodation, transport and many more.
Please do not hesistate to get in touch if you have any questions!
Winter Term 2024/2025
25/09/24 – 27/09/24 | Welcome Days for Erasmus+ students |
02/10/24 | Semester Start |
26/10/24 | Austrian National Holiday, no lectures |
01/11/24 – 02/11/24 | All Saints‘ Day, All Souls‘ Day, no lectures |
08/12/24 | Immaculate Conception, no lectures |
23/12/24 – 06/01/25 | Christmas Holiday, no lectures |
31/01/25 | End of Term, Exams take place within this period |
Summer Term 2025
26/02/25 – 28/02/25 | Welcome Days for Erasmus+ students |
01/03/25 | Semester Start |
14/04/25 – 25/04/25 | Easter Holiday, no lectures |
01/05/25 | Labour Day, no lectures |
29/05/25 | Ascension Day, no lectures |
08/06/25 – 10/06/25 | Pentecost, no lectures |
19/06/25 | Corpus Christi, no lectures |
30/06/25 | End of Term, Exams take place within this period |
Important Dates
- Nomination Deadline for Winter Term: 2 May
- Application Deadline for Winter Term: 31 May
- Nomination Deadline for Summer Term: 2 November
- Application Deadline for Summer Term: 30 November
Application Check List
First of all you need to be nominated per e-mail by your coordinator at your home university. After you have been nominated you can directly apply to our International Office.
The following documents are required for your application:
Application form – please complete the form electronically and send it to Ms Birgit Karl (birgit.karl@phsalzburg.at).
Photocopy of your passport
After the selection process you will get detailed information about registration and the Online Learning Agreement.
International Course Programme summerterm 2025
Description of the institutional grading system:
Austrian Grading Scale | Definition |
1 | EXCELLENT: outstanding performance |
2 | GOOD: above the average standard but with some errors |
3 | SATISFACTORY: generally sound work with a number of notable errors |
4 | SUFFICIENT: performance meets the minimum criteria |
5 | UNSATISFACTORY: some more work required before the credit can be awarded |
According to the Universities Act 2005 two additional grades: „successfully completed“ / „not completed“ are admissible when established in the respective study programme in force.
Here you can find the link to our regular course programme in German language: https://www.ph-online.ac.at/phsalzburg (‚Weiter ohne Anmeldung‘)
Travelling to Salzburg
Salzburg Airport W.A. Mozart
Salzburg’s International Airport W.A. Mozart receives many international direct flights each day. The airport is approximately four kilometres west of the city centre. You can go to the main train station with bus nr. 2 and to the city center with bus nr. 10. It operates during the day every 10 minutes and every 20 minutes in the evenings. Tickets for the bus journey can be purchased from machines or via ‚SalzburgMobil‘ (App). It is also possible to take a taxi.
If a direct flight to Salzburg is not possible, most people fly into either Vienna or Munich, Germany, and then continue on to Salzburg via the Österreichischen Bundesbahn (ÖBB = Austrian Railway Company) or with the Deutsche Bahn (DB = German Railway Company).
In Vienna you can take the train directly from the airport to the main station in Salzburg. With the ‚ÖBB Vorteilscard‘ you can travel on ÖBB trains as well as many private railways at a discounted rate during an entire year. You can buy your Vorteilscard under the following link: Our Vorteilscards – ÖBB (oebb.at). In Munich you have to take the S-Bahn (lines 1 or 8) to get to the main station in Munich, from where you can take the train to Salzburg.
There is also the possibility to book a pick up service of “Salzburger Mietwagen und Reise-Service GmbH“. This service will transfer you from the airport to the address of your choice in Salzburg. This service needs to be booked three working days in advance.
By Train to Salzburg
Because of its location, it is easy to reach Salzburg by train. The Salzburg Central Train Station (“Hauptbahnhof”) is close to the city centre. Many local and regional buses stop at the plaza in front of the station for passenger pick-up and drop-off (5:00 am to 11.30 pm).
By Car
The Austrian motorways, so-called “Autobahnen“ provide the best access to Salzburg by car. The Westautobahn A1 from Vienna via Linz provides access from the East. The A8 (Munich, Germany / Innsbruck, Austria) provides access from the West and the A10 Villach/Graz comes from the South (Italy and Slovenia).
Public Transportation
Salzburg’s public transport system is very well-developed. All of the city’s major areas are accessible by one of the environmentally friendly city buses. Bus stops are clearly indicated by signs. Single tickets have to be validated at the validating machine on the bus before each trip. Weekly and monthly tickets need to be validated only once.
StudentCARD for public transport in the region of Salzburg
Please find more information here: https://salzburg-verkehr.at/tickets-preise/zeitkarten/klimaticketsalzburgstudent/
ÖBB Vorteilscard
ÖBB is the Austrian Railway Company and they offer various benefit cards. With those cards every trip is half price. Please find more information here: https://shop.oebbtickets.at/en/shop/folder/bd323d300df0fc689ce347de48bbe2d2?cref=vorteilscard.
You can reach our campus by bus Nr 3, 5, 8 and 27 heading southbound. Our bus stop is called “Akademiestraße” (3, 8), “Erzabt-Klotz-Straße” (5) or „Sportzentrum Nonntal“ (27).
The Salzburg Public Transportation Service Center is located in the basement of the Central Station, Salzburger Lokalbahnhof, Südtiroler Platz. There you can get tickets, information and other material.
Taxis in Salzburg: just call 8111
These are various possibilities for students to apply for housing:
- oeadstudenthousing.at/en/
- salzburger-lehrerhaus.at/
- https://guesthouse.at/en/ (Short-term stay in Salzburg)
- https://gaestehaus-priesterseminar-salzburg.at/ (Short-term stay in Salzburg)
- https://boersen.oeh-salzburg.at/boersen/wohnungsboerse/ (Austrian National Student Union)
- https://khw.at/portal/de/start/index.asp?dat=mitgliederinfoMag (Katholisches Hochschulwerk)
- https://www.oejab.at/en/students/dormitories/strubergasse#moreInfo (ÖJAB/Austrian Young Workers Movement)
- https://www.studentenwohnheim-salzburg.at/ (Student apartments)
- https://www.home4students.at/wohnheime-ubersicht/wohnheime-salzburg/ (Österreichische Studentenförderungsstiftung/Austrian Student Support Foundation)
Should you choose one of these forms of reservation, please mention that you are an Erasmus+ Student from the Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg Stefan Zweig. Please note that institutions may require students to make a deposit. Please inform the International Office about your choice.
Essential items to bring to Austria …
- Valid passport (even though you may enter Austria with an ID card, you need a passport to open a bank account)
- Credit card
- Phone numbers and email addresses of emergency contacts at home
- European Health Insurance Card / private insurance documents
- Translated prescriptions for medication you take and a fresh supply of prescription drugs.
- Criminal record for school placements
- Clothes and shoes suitable for cold weather in winter
- Adapters for electrical appliances, if necessary
- Favourite recipes and items for sharing your culture with others: music, photographs etc.
Citizens of the European Union
All citizens of the EU have to take their Passport or Identity Card with them to Austria. No visa is required. Shortly after arrival you need to register at the Registration Office (‚Meldeamt‘ – Saint-Julien-Straße 20, 5020 Salzburg – +43 662 80723530 – meldeamt@stadt-salzburg.at). Please bring residence confirmation with you. Just before departure you have to deregister!.Don’t forget to do so, because it would be against the law and could lead to problems at future immigrations.
Non EU-Citizen
If you are a Non EU-Citizen please check the following website for Visa Regulations: www.bmeia.gv.at/en (visa regulations for different countries, adresses of embassies and consulates, visa procedures).
Please find more information here as well: https://oead.at/en/to-austria/entry-and-residence.
Shortly after arrival you need to register at the Registration Office (‚Meldeamt‘ – Saint-Julien-Straße 20, 5020 Salzburg – +43 662 80723530 – meldeamt@stadt-salzburg.at). Please bring residence confirmation with you. Just before departure you have to deregister!.Don’t forget to do so, because it would be against the law and could lead to problems at future immigrations.
Health System and Insurance
Citizens of the European Union
In order to be eligible for free health care, you will need the European Health Insurance Card (e-Card). A visit to the doctor is free of charge. It is also possible to purchase supplemental insurance.
Tipp: check your credit card – it might include a travel insurance, which covers further costs.
Non EU-Citzens
Non EU-Citizens are themselves responsible for their insurance coverage. Please check with your insurance at home, if there is any agreement between your country and Austria.
Probably you will need an additional travel insurance.
Supermarkets and shopping malls often open until 7 or 7:30 pm on weekdays; EUROPARK stores are open Monday to Thuesday 9 am to 7:30 pm, Friday until 9 pm and Saturday from 9 am till 6 pm. On Sundays and holidays shops at stations and petrol stations are open (but usually more expensive than ordinary supermarkets!).
The opening hours vary from bank to bank, but in general they are open Mon – Fri from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm and then from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm. They are closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Tourist Information
Salzburg Tourism, Mozartplatz 5, 5020 Salzburg
Scholarships – Care Concept
Care Concept offers a scholarship for foreign students in Austria. Please find more information here.
Living and Working in Salzburg
Innovation Salzburg offers information about life in Salzburg. You can download the guide and subscribe to the newsletter. More information you can find on www.workinsalzburg.at/en.
Uniklinikum Salzburg
Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Brüder Österreich
Emergency Numbers:
Euro emergency number: 112
Fire Department: 122
Police Department: 133
Ambulance: 144
Immigration and Registration
Citizens of the European Union
All citzens of the EU have to take their Passport or Identity Card with them to Austria. Shortly after arrival you need to register at the City Hall with the registration form you will receive at the Student Residence. You will be supported by our tutors during that process! They will also help filling out the form. Just before departure you have to go to the City Hall again to deregister! Don’t forget to do so, because it would be against the law and could lead to problems at future immigrations!
Non EU-Citizen
If you are a Non EU-Citizen please check the following website for Visa Regulations: www.bmeia.gv.at/en (visa regulations for different countries, adresses of embassies and consulates, visa procedures).
Shortly after arrival you need to register at City Hall with the registration form you will receive at the Student Residence. You will be supported by our tutors during that process! They will also help filling out the form. Just before departure you have to go to City Hall again to deregister! Don’t forget to do so, because it would be against the law and could lead to problemsat future immigrations!
Please find more information here: https://oead.at/en/to-austria/entry-and-residence.
Insurance for your stay in Austria
Citizens of the European Union
All citzens of the EU have to take their Eletronic Health Card to Austria. Then they can use the services of the Public Health Service which is generally very good in Austria. Be aware that the general EU-insurance does not cover any costs of transfer to your home country in a serious case! If you want to have that covered, you need to make an additional travel insurance! Tipp: check your credit card – it might include a travel insurance, which covers costs like that and check the regulations from bank to bank!
Non EU-Citzens
Non EU-Citizens are themselves responsible for their insurance coverage! Please check with your insurance at home, if their is any agreement between your country and Austria!
Probably you will need an additional travel insurance! Credit Card insurances will probably not include the general cover which is necessary, nevertheless some cards like gold cards do! The regulations for credit cards can differ from bank to bank even for the same card! You can get a student insurance with the Austrian Social Security System „Österreichische Gesundheitskasse“. Please keep in mind that you are self responsible for your insurance and the costs will be very high, if you need treatment by a doctor and you do not have proper insurance!